Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

aired the week of December 3, 2018

The Iowa Farmer's Wife by Bill Beaman is set in rural Taylor County.  DCI agents Willoughby and Hawkett are dispatched to help the sheriff solve the murder of a local banker.  It seems like an open and shut case, but after meeting young widowed farmer Jamie Chambers both agents wonder if there is more to the story than what she is sharing.  This is first in a series by Taylor County farmer Bill Beaman.

1. Iowa Farmer's Wife
2. Second Chances
3. Three Little Pigs
4. Goats 4 Sale

aired the week of November 26, 2018

Full Curl by Dave Butler is set in Canada's Banff National Park.  When Warden Jenny Willson finds the body of a bull elk who's antlers have been removed she knows it is the work of poachers.  Then the decapitated body of a bighorn sheep ram is found at Jasper National Park.  Jenny makes it her mission to track down this group of poachers who are using the national parks as their own private preserve.  Recommended for fans of C.J. Box and Paul Doiron.

1. Full Curl
2. No Place for Wolverines

aired the week of November 19, 2018

The Amazing Adventures of Aaron Broom by A.E. Hotchner starts when Aaron's father is taken into custody after a man follows him into the jewelry store and kills a clerk while robbing the store.  Aaron's mom has consumption and is in a sanitarium so that leaves the 12-year-old boy on his own during the Great Depression.  Aaron decides he needs to find the thief and get his father out of jail.  This is sweet story of hope and resilience.