Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

THE LOST CONSTITUTION—William Martin—While a battle rages in the country over the possible repeal of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, Peter Falon, William Martin’s hero, searches for an alleged annotated copy of the first draft of that venerable document; a copy which was annotated by the New Englanders attending the Constitutional Convention. Consequently the story yo-yos between the present and various times in the past as the document is passed from one person to another. In doing so the reader is introduced to lots and lots of characters from various periods in the past and a growing number of bad-guys and possible good guys in the present. (I was happy to see a number of reviewers were as confused as I by those.) By shifting back into time, Martin is able to present the historical, economic and social changes of New England from the Revolution forward. He also spends pages and pages describing the New England landscape. Interspersed are excellent questions about the Constitution, what it means and how it should be treated; as well as murder, mayhem and the emotions raised when the possibility of amendment becomes part of the public debate. In short, way too long and way too many characters, but an interesting story with good questions. Check the reviews on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


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