Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

aired the week of February 21, 2011
Stories from the Holocaust
The library has many materials on the Holocaust both fiction, non-fiction and video. I'm just going to list several I've read that really impacted me.
The Night Trilogy by Elie Wiesel - the author recalls time he and his father spent in a concentration camp when he was a teenager in Night.
Hana's Suitcase: a true story by Karen Levine - a suitcase is sent to a Holocaust museum in Japan and their quest to track down the story of child who owned it.
No Pretty Pictures: a child of war by Anita Lobel - an autobiography of the author as she survives the horrors of World War II.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: a fable by John Boyne - a story of a young boy whose father becomes the director at Auschwitz and the prisoner the boy befriends. Also an excellent movie which is also available at the library.
Yellow Star by Jennifer Roy - this is a fictionalized story of the author's aunt who was one of the few children who survived living in the Lodz Ghetto of Poland.


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