Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

DEWEY: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World--Vicki Myron with Bret Witter--Dewey is part biography (of the cat), part autobiography (of Vicki Myron), part history of the town of Spencer, IA and the surrounding area and part good story. It traces the 19 years of Dewey's life and the world-wide attention he gained with lots of stories of the cat's foibles and antics as well as the unfolding story of Myron's life, good parts and sad.
Now on the best-seller lists, it's being translated into 30 languages and latest gossip/news, is that it is being made into a movie. (What animal can play the part of the cat....well, could be a challenge!).


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