Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

TRUMAN—David McCullough—Often regarded as the premier biography of Harry S. Truman. Three pages of glowing tributes to the book precede the text and on the cover, from Jonathan Yardley from the Washington Post “Meticulously detailed, elegantly written, tightly constructed, rich in revealing anecdotes and penetrating insights. It is, as its subject demands, biography on the grand scale.” Some argue that McCullough is too fond of Truman, that he does not paint the rough sides, the failures, or finds excuses for them. To an extent, that may well be. However, as a readable biography, giving an overall sense of the he grew and changed and what stayed the same inner core, a truly wonderful written portrait. Yep, this is a 15 yr old book and I'm just getting to it; but it is well worth reading...or at this time re-reading.


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