Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

FALLEN FOUNDER—Nancy Isenberg—Ms. Isenberg concludes her biography of Aaron Burr by saying, “What separates history from myth is that history takes in the whole picture, whereas myth averts our eyes from the truth when it turns men into heroes and gods.” In presenting the life of Aaron Burr, (and in the process being called a “revisionist”) scholar Isenberg attempts to focus on many of the good qualities of Aaron Burr, his intellect, his power of communication, the facility of his mind and place those in the social, political, and economic times in which he lived; no better nor worse than others. In doing so she also writes of strengths and weaknesses--often focusing on the weaknesses of other more well known of the Founding Fathers. The style is of writing seems between scholarly and general reading with approximately 20% of the pages devoted to citations and notes. The power of scholarship well used to portray a time in U.S. History, open new doors of understanding and explanation. Excellent.


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