Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

HONEYMOON—James Patterson & Howard Roughman—It's been said you can't judge a book by it's cover—and recently with James Patterson seemingly 'renting' his name to others, a series of, in my opinion, so-so books have emerged. This one is one of the best of the lot—good story, good storyteller, fun, fast and quick. Nora Sinclair has a thing for money, and dead husbands (or to be husbands) and John O'Hara, FBI agent, has the quick tongue which interests her, which is good since she is his 'mark'. Thick book, big print, narrow margins, 2 or 3 page chapters, it moves right along.


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