Page Turners

Here is a list of books that have been shared on KMA's Page Turners with the Shenandoah Public Library.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

142) The Life and Times of the THUNDERBOT KID: A Memorir—Bill Bryson—Crafted with his delightful style, charming words and phrases, sense of humor and command of detail and history which enhance his stories, Bryson looks back to his childhood growing up in Des Moines in the 1950s, taking the reader with him. Against the story of his boyhood he describes not only Des Moines but the U.S. and the world at that time showing how his childhood could be as it was, The observations he reports making as a child reflect the curiosity which stayed with him into adulthood the answers to some of which reported in other of his books. This memoir will speak across generations. To quote from the Kirkus Review, But in Bryson's bittersweet memoir, he reminds readers of the joys many people forgot to even miss. A great, fun read, especially for Baby Boomers nostalgic for the good old days.


Blogger Janet H said...

This will be the Book Sandwiched In featured book on January 18, 2007 at the Shenandoah Public Library!

1:26 PM  

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